I'M Shiridhar Khatri

I'M a

I'm available in facebook so feel free to contact me through facebook

If you have github you can follow me to see my projects in github

I'm available in Instagram so feel free to contact me through Instagram

We Offer

Web Modification

Web Development

Web Designing

Myself Shiridhar Khatri. I'M from Nepal and currently living in the 2nd largest and also most beautiful city Pokhara. As a profession I'M a student. Studying in a highschool 3rd year as a computer science student. I spend my days learning e-language and new ideas. I like to do coding, I'M focusing more on HTML, CSS, javaScript, Python, php and so on.


Phone Number



Reach Me

Email : khatrishiridhar@gmail.com

Phone : +9779820610923

Address : Pokhara-15, Nepal-33700